Our mission?

Promoting a circular economy for a cleaner world

Looping's mission is to reduce household waste pollution by informing you about how to improve the sorting and recycling of your waste
We use Recycle-Vision, the latest AI technology model to identify waste

Choose the circular economy with Looping

Economie circulaire et Looping

Reduce waste and save money

Reduce waste processing costs by recovering raw materials

Economie circulaire et Looping - Réparation

Give a second life to your articles by repairing them

Repairing allows to reduce waste, saves natural resources and prolongs the life of your everyday articles

Zéro déchet et Looping

Buy responsible products

Discover sustainable alternatives to your everyday products with our zero-waste tips

How can I contribute?

We're looking for suggestions and new recycling channels in Belgium

Do you know of any?

Contact us